At Textbook Painting we specialize in home painting services, but we are more than capable of completing jobs other than home exterior painting.

In South Bend, IN the back porch of an apartment was in need of major attention. This apartment is rented out to tenants so it’s important for it to look its best and remain durable. With the wooden porch of the apartment being fairly small, this project was able to be completed as a one person job. To fix up the porch, the existing stain was scraped and sanded off so that the new stain could be applied. After removal of the existing stain, Dutch Boywas carefully brushed and rolled onto the apartment porch and left to dry.

If you need a job done, whether it be for a house or condo, click here to set up a free estimate with Textbook Painting and we can help you keep your home looking new. No job is ever too small!